Let's make global salaries in AI, ML, Data a bit more open and transparent

Here is how it works:

📝 Fill out the form below with your salary data, it's anonymous

👋 Share this site with friends and colleagues for them to do the same

🎉 All data will be available to the public for anyone to use

📊 Download a full set of regularly updated salary data from our download page

Help us helping you finding out what your work is worth 💰💰 in less than a minute of your time by contributing to our public salary dataset anonymously and filling out the short form below.

All fields are required.

The year you want to enter your salary info for.
Your experience level in the job during the year.
The type of employement for the role.
The role you worked in during the year. Choose the exact role or the one that comes closest to it.
Your total compensation/gross salary amount for the year (before deductions like social security, taxes and other contributions).
The currency of your salary (ideally in USD, EUR or GBP).
Your primary country of residence in during the work year (or your residence for tax purposes if unsure).
The average amount of remote work (work from home/anywhere/off-site).
The country of your employer's main office or the branch you were employed/contracted by.
The average number of people that worked for the company during the year.

About this project

We collect salary information anonymously from professionals and employers all over the world and make it publicly available for anyone to use, share and play around with.

Our goal is to have open salary data for everyone. So newbies, experienced pros, hiring managers, recruiters and also startup founders or people wanting to switch careers can make better decisions.