Quantitative Risk Senior Analyst

Coventry, GB

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We are looking for a Quantitative Risk Senior Analyst to join our Energy Markets team on a permanent basis. This role is paying from £44,199 - £56,113.

Quantitative Risk Senior Analyst

Here's what you'll be doing

Join us as a Quantitative Risk Analyst in the Energy Markets. In light of the current global landscape, there has never been a more exciting time to become part of our team as a Quantitative Risk Analyst in the energy market. This role offers a unique opportunity to apply advanced mathematical techniques and real-world concepts, deepening your understanding of the energy industry and the wholesale market.

As a Quantitative Risk Analyst, you will have the opportunity to evaluate high-value risks and apply learned techniques, gaining full ownership of your analysis. You will be an integral part of the Export, Structuring & Analysis team, utilizing complex modelling to comprehend and mitigate risks wherever possible. Your work will directly influence pricing strategies, contract valuations, financial risk assessments, and contribute to senior decision-making processes.

Seize this opportunity to enhance your expertise and make a significant impact in the dynamic field of energy market analysis.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop, maintain, and calibrate models for automated feeds into Pricing, Hedging, and Cost/Revenue Forecasting.
  • Provide detailed analysis and modelling expertise to support the risk run process feeding into financial risk submissions.
  • Support the development of risk mitigating proposals through close monitoring and interpretation of external environment changes in the wholesale and competitive markets as well as internally through business process change or business issue identification.
  • Lead on the development of new risk models to support business requirements, guiding and supporting the junior analyst in this and other areas of work.
  • Work with the wider Export, Structuring & Analysis team to enhance its reputation as an analytical centre of excellence.

What we need from you

  • You will be educated to degree level in a numerical discipline.
  • You are highly numerate with strong ability to analyse highly complex issues and distil them into meaningful metrics and solutions.
  • You can apply graduate level mathematical and statistical techniques to analysis of energy market risks.
  • You have a keen interest to take responsibility proactively, often across unstructured problems, and to demonstrate ownership in these areas.
  • Ideally you will have advanced modelling skills to include coding competence in one or more of Matlab, Python, C++ or the ability to understand and interpret these environments.

Here’s what you need to know

​​​​​​​Our market-leading benefits package includes 26 days holiday + bank holidays, a generous pension scheme, life cover, bonus and the chance to choose from 20 flexible benefits with tax and/or NI savings. In fact, our benefits package recently won the Personnel Today Reward, Recognition and Benefits Award 2022!

As the only energy company to feature in The Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers (our 2022/23 ranking is 15th) we’ve proven that we’re committed to equal opportunities and actively promote a diverse and inclusive working environment, and fairness for everyone.

We realise the best people bring their energy at different times, so we’re happy to talk flexible working and offer a range of flexible working options, including full time, part time and job share.

As a Disability Confident Employer we interview every disabled applicant who meet the minimum criteria for the role.

We’ve exciting opportunities for everyone to develop their talent at E.ON. Our open access, inclusive talent networks provide networking, learning and development for all, building your skills, qualifications, and capabilities throughout your career. 


At a glance

Reference no.: 228455 Closing date: 04/07/2024 Salary: £44,199 - £56,113

Get in touch

About us

E.ON is a privately owned international energy company. Our 75,000 colleagues in 15 countries work daily towards the improvement of technical innovations and user-friendly customer solutions for the new energy world. We are the first large energy company to focus more heavily upon the energy of the future through our three business areas of energy networks, renewable energies and customer solutions.

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Job stats:  1  0  0
Category: Analyst Jobs

Tags: Arrow Matlab Python Statistics

Perks/benefits: Career development Competitive pay Equity / stock options Flex hours Salary bonus

Region: Europe
Country: United Kingdom

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